FAQ page

 Frequently Asked Questions:

Where do I find a great massage in Olympia and the Southern Puget Sound?
A: Fayth at Unbound Massage, of course.

What are the benefits of massage therapy?
A: Medical evidence shows many medical, psychological and emotional benefits to massage therapy:

  • Lowering Stress
    Massage therapy may relieve stress and conditions associated with it, such as tension headaches.

  • Increasing Immune Function
    Medical research indicates that massage therapy can help tone and fine-tune the immune system strength by increasing activity that fights off viruses.

  • Optimizing Mental Health
    Research suggests that symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression are affected by massage therapy.

  • Reducing Pain and Improving Range of Motion
    Pain and limited ROM can adversely affect quality of life. Massage can improve both!

  • Improved Fitness
    Athletes benefit from massage therapy by reducing muscle tension, improving exercise performance and preventing injuries.

Do you take insurance?
A: No, fees are cash, card or contactless (app based). You can see my charges on my Services page.

What’s the best way to schedule your massage services?
A: You can message, email, text or call. See the Contact page.

Can I purchase your services as a gift for a friend?
A: Yes! You can contact me directly to inquire gift services.

Will I get a full 60 minutes of massage?
A: Yes, you’ll receive the full amount of treatment time. Changing and admin time are not included in the 1 Hour treatment.

What if I need to reschedule or cancel?
The scheduled time has been reserved especially for you.
A: Please contact us via phone (or text) as soon as you know you can’t keep the reservation.

Do I have to be completely undressed?
A: You may undress to your level of comfort. The therapist will always ensure you’re properly covered during the session.

How is Unbound Massage different?
A: We offer individualized treatments meant to tailor to your unique needs.

Will I be sore after my massage?
A: After your massage and the next day you may experience soreness… but don’t worry, it’s part of the healing and rejuvenating aspects of therapeutic massage

How do I prevent and treat next-day soreness?
A: Optimize hydration and drink your recommended intake before and after your massage. Stretch your muscles before and after. Take a warm bath with Epsom salts. 

How often should I receive a massage?
A: Most of my clients come in as often as every two weeks and many are on a monthly schedule. Weekly sessions are also warranted for those with acute injury or tightness. It’s really up to you and your individal needs.

Is there often availability?
A: Unfortunately, because of my unique technique and the consistent focus on my current clientele’s needs, I’m usually booked out a few weeks. Please schedule soon!